A Situation where I say: "F***, Is This a Phone or What?"
Believe me when I say this: There is a Thin-Line between Almost-everything you have and an iPhone (iPhone 4, in this case). 

This is the stage where I cannot believe that mobile phones, which we always thought cannot do more than we expected, can do such tasks. But still, this is NOT a subtle replacement for DSLRs... At least, not my trusty 7D.
This is a page where I give you a taste of what an iPhone 4 can do. And I'm not paid by Apple for this -_-. For some people, like me, this will do as my portfolio-savior (ever since I lost all backups of my previous works. ALL OF IT GODDAMMIT!!)

Enjoy, and go ahead call me a liar for all of these photos. I get that all the time, even from myself. That's insane, right? Captions will be updated soon.

18th September 2011
I took this at Jamie's Italian at Birmingham's own shopping mall, Bullring. I've been into many Italian restaurant across the UK, and this is by far the best in price-taste point.
Ah yes.. The good ol' Birmingham Moor Street Station.
If only I can get in there without a ticket. I took this behind the ramp.
Worst lunch ever with the best looking one I've had so far. Beef Satay Noodle.


This is the part when the iPhone 4 (somewhat) kills DSLR.
